Ridge split procedure with ridge wider and simultaneous implant placement of IS III active fixtures on #46, 47 at narrow right lower ridge
A 58-year-old female patient had lost teeth 46 and 47 and was referred to the clinic for treatment.
As extremely narrow ridge was found on the mandibular right quadrant, ridge split was performed and decided to place IS-III active implant.
Intra-oral photograph
Flap reflection
Bone Trimmer was used to flatten and smooth out the narrow alveolar crest. Side blades enable quick trimming of the alveolar crest.
Recommended speed when using the Bone Trimmer : 1,200rpm
Ø1.5 Initial Drill was used for initial drilling.
Recommended speed when using the Ø1.5 Initial Drill : 1,200rpm
Safe Disk (1,200rpm)
Safe Disk was used for cutting across the narrow ridge.
Recommended speed when using the Safe Disk : 1,200rpm
Safe Disk was used for cutting the buccal side.
Safe Disk was used for cutting the buccal side.
Safe Disk Ø7.0mm, T1.0mm was used for cutting the buccal side.
✔ Ø7.0mm, T1.0mm Safe Disk is used before alveolar bone expansion.
Prevent alveolar bone fracture by cutting the lower part of the buccal area by 1mm thickness before bone expansion.
Bone Chisel was used for initial ridge expansion. Slight expansion of the ridge through inserting the Chisel between the cortical plates.
Additionally separates the attached remaining bone.
Bone Expander was used for sequential bone expansion.
Recommended speed when using the Bone Expander : 25~35rpm
CMI IS-III active (Neobiotech, Korea) 4.5*10mm fixture was placed in the area of #46.
Neo EZ-GBR Kit Ø1.5 Drill was used for insert fixing screw.
A 7mm Fixing Screw was inserted.
CMI IS-III active (Neobiotech, Korea) 4.5*8mm fixture was placed in the area of #47.
2 implants were placed with 15Ncm of initial stability.
Bone graft was performed.
Resorbable collagen membrane was placed over the graft.
After the surgery.
Post-op panorama.
Click on the image to see clinical video.
After 2 months
An intra-oral photograph after 2 months healing.
Soft tissue healing 5 months after the surgery.
After 5 months of healing, uncovering was performed.
Healing abutments were connected to the fixtures.
After 2nd surgery.
After 2nd surgery.
Occlusal view: Access holes were filled with composite resin.
Lateral view: The final prosthesis in occlusion.
The fit of the prosthesis is verified on periapical radiograph.
Panoramic view after delivery of the prosthesis.