Patient information
- Age / Sex: 36y, Male
- Medical History: No known systemic pathology
- Diagnosis: #45,46,47 Missing teeth
- Treatment Results: #45,46,47 Implant Placement and GBR
Treatment Plan
- #45,46,47 Implant Placement
- GBR with Autograft, DM Bone, CTi-mem
- Guided Surgery with VAROGuide
- #45 IS-III active / Diameter Ø4.0 / Length 8mm
- #46 IS-III active / Diameter Ø3.5 / Length 10mm
- #47 IS-III active / Diameter Ø5.0 / Length 8mm
Before Surgery
#45,46,47 Pre-op Observation
#45,46,47 VAROGuide Fabrication
#45,46,47 Flap incision
#45,46,47 Drilling with VAROGuide R/W Kit
#46 Cortical Pre-Tapping
#45,46,47 Implant Placement with VAROGuide
Autogenous bone was harvested using ACM drill
Bone Graft was performed. (Auto Bone, DM Bone)
CTi-mem (RA Type)
After Surgery