The patient was a 69 years old female. The patient had residual mandibular dentition with teeth of grade 2 mobility and deep gingival pockets around all the teeth.

The patient did not have the lower arch prosthesis. For accurate implant positioning a CBCT was performed and Simplant software was used to design implant location.

Before the procedure a wax up and mock up were made as well as a navigation splint and a splint for temporary restoration. Under infiltration anesthesia the teeth were extracted and implants were immersed with the force of 35 to 45 Ncm. Restoration based on 6 implants was planned but finally the number of implants was limited to 5. The implants were immersed with the force of 35 to 50 Ncm and immediately loaded with a functional bridge on temporary titanium connectors.

Implant 46 obtained primary stability at 20 Ncm and was left with no load. A temporary bridge was made at full occlusion on temporary connectors screwed to the implants with the force of 20 Ncm.

After stability was obtained (4 months) impressions were collected.

The metal framework supported by standard connectors was tried in.

The restoration was then produced and finally cemented.

Post-operative Intra-oral photograph

Post-operative Radiograph