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Writer's pictureDr. Chul Wan Park

GBR with Neobiotech CTi-mem

Preoperative observation

Extraction of # 44 is needed due to severe bone loss

Torus around the surgical site

Removed torus was combined with allogenic graft material

Buccal bone deficiency around IS-II implant(4.0x10mm)

Bone graft material was covered and secured with CTi-mem

PRF was used to cover the CTi-mem. Tension-free primary closure of flap was achieved.

Post-surgical panex view

No membrane exposure during 4months of healing period

Uncovery and removal of CTi-mem

Healing abutment was installed

Screw-cement retained implant crown

Before and after

#16 & #17 need to be extracted due to severe bone loss around palatal root

Intraoral view of pre-treatment

CT view of #16 &17 shows bone loss around palatal root

Extraction & socket preservation was performed

Intraoral view at the time of implant surgery

CT shows bone defect on palatal side

Neobiotech IS-II implants were installed

Allogenic bone (ICB cortical, Rockey mountain) was grafted

Bone graft material was covered and secured with CTi-mem

PRF was used to cover the CTi-mem.

Tension-free primary closure of flap was achieved.

Post-surgical panex view

No membrane exposure during 4months of healing period

Uncovery and removal of CTi-mem

Installation of healing abutments

Screw-cement retained splinted implant crowns

Before & after

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