The patient was a 59-year-old male with no significant health history except for hypertension.
Clinical examination revealed a failing fixed partial denture (#44=46) due to severe secondary caries around the crown margins of both #44 and 46.
The treatment plan for the patient was to place an implant at #45 site after removal of the previous prosthesis.

Pre-op panorama

Intra-oral photograph

Flap reflection

Point drill

Ø 2.2 drill

Ø 3.0 drill

Ø 3.5 drill

Ø 4.0 Cortical tap

IS-III active Ø 4.0*10mm was placed.

The insertion torque value was 30 Ncm, which was sufficient for performing the one stage approach.

Bone profile

Healing abutment was connected.

After the surgery

Post-op panorama

Periapical radiograph
Click on the image to see clinical video.