43 years old female patient, who had missing posterior teeth, presented with a partially edentulous maxilla. Implants placement on #26 following lateral sinus augmentation was planned…
Patient information
Female, 43 years old patient was referred from another dentist for management of sinus infection for sinus graft for partial edentulous area on left maxilla. Patient was healthy, in terms of medical history except para-nasal symptoms.

From the initial panoramic view, haziness on left maxillary sinus and bony opening on crestal area can be seen.

From the CT scan, also bony opening on #27 area and mucosal thickening on left maxillary sinus can be observed.
Patient was referred to ENT specialist for examination and medication. Patient was come back after 3weeks of antibiotics medication.

From the CT scan, bony opening was still there, but mucosal thickening was subsided.

Comparison before and after medication

Occlusal photography before sinus graft

Clinical picture after incision and periosteal dissection. Existing bony opening can be seen.

Small lateral window was made by reamer in SLA kit and careful elevation of maxillary sinus membrane was performed.

Small lateral window was made by reamer in SLA kit and careful elevation of maxillary sinus membrane was performed.

Collar tape was used for cover perforated area through crestal opening.

Bone graft was done through lateral window and crestal opening.

Bone graft was done through lateral window and crestal opening.

PRF membrane was used cover crestal bony opening area

Clinical picture after wound closure

Periapical radiographs after sinus graft followed by repair of perforated membrane.

Panoramic view right after sinus graft

Panoramic view 5 months after sinus graft

Clinical picture before implant placement, 5months after sinus graft

Implant placement (IS III 4.5X10, 4.5X8.5 were used)

Panoramic view after implant placement

Periapical radiographs after implant placement

CT scan after implant placement

CT scan after implant placement

Clinical picture after delivery of implant restoration

Series of periapical views, implant placement, 2nd surgery, impression, final restoration

Clinical picture after 2nd surgery (uncover)

Final restorations on the cast

Panoramic view after implant treatment