This case presents immediate implant placement with Neobiotech IT-II active fixture on #24…
It was planned to immediately place an implant following the extraction of #24.
Careful extraction of #24 and thorough irrigation with saline solution.
Point drill (1,200rpm)
Initial point drill was used to locate the implant position in the apex.
Ø 2.2 drill (1,200rpm)
Ø 3.0 drill (1,200rpm)
Ø 3.5 drill (1,200rpm)
Ø 4.0 drill (1,200rpm)
IT-III active Ø 4.5X11.5mm fixture was placed.
The insertion torque value was 40 N/cm, which was sufficient for performing the one stage approach.
Healing abutment was connected.
Allograft (RegenOss™) was inserted.
Post-op panorama
Periapical radiograph