Patient Information
Patient: 55 years old male
Medical status: healthy
Chief complaint: "I want to replace my missing teeth."
Pre-operative Observation
Diagnosis & Treatment Planning
Teeth 35 and 37: extracted earlier at another clinic Tooth 36: localized advanced periodontitis Treatment plan: immediate placement and loading on #35, #36 & #37
Based on the clinical and radiographic findings, it was decided to remove tooth 36, resulted in an edentulous space with three missing teeth.
The flap was raised up with a crestal incision and a large defect was found around the extraction socket.
3 external implants (CMI EB) were placed with 45Ncm of insertion torques in that area.
Autogenous bone chips harvested from the adjacent ridge area was grafted in the defect.
Healing abutments were connected to the fixtures.
Non-submerged approach was done and the wound margins were closed with sutures.
Postoperative panoramic radiograph showing 3 implants placed in the mandibular left posterior area.
10 days after the surgery.
An impression was made with pickup impression coping 2 weeks after the surgery.
SCRP prefabricated abutments were connected.
A definitive 3 unit SCRP prosthesis was delivered 3 weeks after implants placement.
Radiograph taken on the day of final restoration.
8 years postoperative panoramic radiograph showing well maintained implants without any noticeable bone loss.