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GBR technique using autogenous bones and titanium mesh

Pre-operative Observation


The narrow ridge was found with a crestal incision.

Parallel pin was placed to measure the position of implant placement.

Buccal view

Auto Chip Maker (ACM)

Autogenous bone chips were harvested using an Auto Chip Maker at 50rpm. Water irrigation was not applied.

Buccal view of the donor site

1mm CTi-mem and B type of Cti-mem bent to be placed over the graft.

The harvested bone chips were applied to the defect and B type of Cti-mem was placed over the graft using a fixing screw.

Occlusal view

The wound closure was achieved with sutures.

Tissue healing at 12 weeks

Uncovery was done for the stage Ⅱ surgery and the Cti-mem was easily removed.

It was verified that the volumetric stability of the bone graft was achieve.



This case presents how to augment the narrow ridge with the autogenous bone harvested with an Auto Chip Maker (ACM) and CTi-mem Titanium Mesh. 12 weeks follow-up shows verification of the volumetric stability of the graft.

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