
Panorama view before the extractions of #16 and 17.

Periapical radiograph before the extractions of #16 and 17.

Panorama view after the extractions of #16 and 17.

Occlusal photography before incision

Clinical picture after incision

Huge bony defect on the area of #16 and 17 can be observed.

Huge bony defect on the area of #16 and 17 can be observed.

The gaps between #16 and 17 implants and the walls of the bony defects were filled with allogenic graft material.

Grafted bone was covered by PRF membrane which prepared before implant placement.

Panoramic radiograph taken immediate after the surgery.

6 months postoperative clinical view.

2 implants were successfully placed due to good bone formation made on the buccal side.

Clinical picture after 2nd surgery (uncovery) \

Clinical picture before impression making

Soft tissue healing around healing abutments was adequate.

Periapical radiograph of posterior maxilla after 2nd surgery.

Good soft tissue healing was seen.

Custom abutments on the working cast.
Final restoration on the working cast.

SCRP two unit PFM FPD were delivered.

SCRP type prosthesis. Occlusal adjustment and polishing were done after the access hole was filled with composite resin.

Periapical radiograph at delivery of the final restoration.

Panoramic view after the delivery of the definitive prosthesis. Graft material around the implants was well maintained.
Huge bony defect on posterior maxilla can be observed… The gaps between #16 and 17 implants and the walls of the bony defects were filled with allogenic graft material.